Learning to Teach Design and Technology in the Secondary School (Third edition published May 21st 2015)
A new version of this core text used in teacher training and D&T departments is to be published on May 21st 2015. Edited by Gwyneth Owen-Jackson, this updated book has chapters jointly authored by Sarah Davies and me, Alison Hardy, both of us senior lecturers in NTU's School of Education.
Building on our innovation and research in the fields of D&T, technology-enhanced learning and pedagogy we have written two chapters: Preparing to teach with digital technologies and Planning to teach design and technology. Graduates from D&T at NTU who have been taught by us will recognise many of the ideas in these chapters, and some new ones. In the chapter Preparing to teach with digital technologies you will find ideas how to:
The second chapter by us, Planning to teach design and technology, suggests new ways to plan a D&T curriculum, breaking it down into three approaches: mainly designing, mainly making and designing and making. In many ways this isn't new but we've suggested how lessons might look if you plan schemes of work with only one of these focusses. Recent graduates from the undergraduate D&T route will recognise these terms as it is also the structure of their course, reflecting the team at NTU's philosophy to teaching D&T. Additionally we discuss ideas for:
If you are interested in purchasing this book (we don't get royalties!) there is a 20% discount via the Routledge website (code IRK69*).